Machine Learning and Statistics
- Introduction to On Device AI
- Emulator for the 3D Matter Power Spectrum
- Parameter Inference with MOPED and GP
- Machine Learning Resources
- Virtual Workshops
- Research Paper
- Iterative Method For Likelihood Emulation
- Bayesian Evidence - The Gaussian Linear Model
- Bayesian Model Selection
- Linear Regression
- Sampling From Any Distribution
- An Introduction to Gibbs Sampling
- Gaussian Process
Workshop and Conference
- Emerging trends in AI and online education
- Methods for Statistical Inference (Paris)
- Data Science Summer School 2018 (Paris)
- COSMO21 and ADAIX (Valencia)
- Yandex Machine Learning School 2018 (London)
- Bayesian School 2016
- Surviving A Fast Growing Community Without Dying
- JEDI - An Alternate Route to Conventional Workshops