Below is a collection of interesting papers. Some of them have been very useful and are relevant to my research.
- Causal Inference in AI Education: A Primer (Journal of Causal Inference, )
- Explainable neural networks that simulate reasoning (Nature, )
- Challenges in Deploying Machine Learning: a Survey of Case Studies (NeurIPS 2020, )
- The carbon impact of artifcial intelligence (Nature Machine Intelligence, )
- Decolonial AI: Decolonial Theory as Sociotechnical Foresight in Artificial Intelligence (Philosophy and Technology, Springer, )
- AI for social good: unlocking the opportunity for positive impact (Nature Communications, )
- A Survey of Deep Learning for Scientific Discovery (arXiv, )
- The Case for Bayesian Deep Learning (arXiv, )
- Lagrangian Neural Networks (arXiv, )
- Four Steps Towards Robust Artificial Intelligence (arXiv, )
- A deep learning framework for neuroscience (Nature Neuroscience, )
- Posterior inference unchained with EL2O (arXiv, )
- Monte Carlo Gradient Estimation in Machine Learning (arXiv, )
- Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning (arXiv, )
- Reconciling modern machine-learning practice and the classical bias–variance trade-off (PNAS, )
- Generalized massive optimal data compression (MNRAS, )
- Massive optimal data compression and density estimation for scalable, likelihood-free inference in cosmology (MNRAS, )
- Solving linear equations with messenger-field and conjugate gradient techniques (A&A, )
- Wiener filter reloaded: fast signal reconstruction without preconditioning (MNRAS, )
- Why Does Deep and Cheap Learning Work So Well? (Springer Nature, )
- Probabilistic machine learning and artificial intelligence (Nature, )
- Deep learning (Nature, )
- Taking the Human Out of the Loop: A Review of Bayesian Optimization (IEEE, )
- Bayesian non-parametrics and the probabilistic approach to modelling (The Royal Society Publishing, )
- Efficient sampling of fast and slow cosmological parameters (Physical Review, )
- Representation Learning: A Review and New Perspectives (arXiv, )
- Additive Gaussian Processes (arXiv, )
- Distributed Gaussian Processes (ICML, )
- Intelligent design: on the emulation of cosmological simulations (IOP, )
- The No-U-Turn Sampler: Adaptively Setting Path Lengths in Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (JMLR, )
- A Tutorial on Bayesian Optimization (arXiv, )
Before 2010
- Fast optimal CMB power spectrum estimation with Hamiltonian sampling (MNRAS, 2008, )
- Bayes in the sky: Bayesian inference and model selection in cosmology (Contemporary Physics, 2008, )
- Fast cosmological parameter estimation using neural networks (MNRAS, 2007, )
- Pico: Parameters for the Impatient Cosmologist (IOP, 2007, )
- Random Features for Large-Scale Kernel Machines (NIPS, 2007, )
- Efficient Cosmological Parameter Estimation with Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (APS, 2007, )
- Sparse Gaussian Processes using Pseudo-inputs (NIPS, 2005, )
- A Bayesian Committee Machine (Neural Computation, 2000, )
- Massive Lossless Data Compression and Multiple Parameter Estimation from Galaxy Spectra (MNRAS, 2000, )
- Karhunen-Loève Eigenvalue Problems in Cosmology: How Should We Tackle Large Data Sets? (IOP, 1997, )
- No free lunch theorems for optimization (IEEE, 1997, )
Classical Papers
- A Bayesian approach to model inadequacy for polynomial regression (Biometrika, 1975, )